Return & Refund Policy

You may request for return & refund if you:

  1. Received an incomplete product (missing quantity)
  2. Received the wrong product(s) (e.g. wrong size, wrong colour, different product)
  3. Received a faulty product (e.g. malfunction, does not work as intended)

Customer must notify us within 72 hours after receiving the items and to specify if you would want a replacement (subject to stock availability) or a money refund.

You have to include the following details in the message: Order number, photo of parcel, photo of item and the reason for refunds and notify us via Whatsapp.

All returned items must be fulfil the following conditions:

  1. Items are in same condition, unwashed, unworn, as when it first arrived
  2. Items are in original packaging bags / box
  3. Tags on item are intact and attached


Please ship the parcel to:

Desince Sdn Bhd

No 10 (PT 72800), Jalan SKI 1/KU7,

Kawasan Industri Hi-Tech, Sungai Kapar Indah,

42200 Klang, Selangor

Tel: +60-11 6967 6870


After shipping out, please provide us with the following details:

  1. Courier company
  2. Tracking number
  3. Your full name
  4. Your bank name
  5. Your bank account number

If we send the wrong or defective items to you, you may claim the fees of return shipping from us (as long as you use a standard shipping method). In order to claim the return shipping fees, please take photo of the postage invoice with fees amount and tracking number stated clearly on the invoice.

Refund for returned items will be made within 7 days after returned items arrive at our warehouse.



Exchange Policy

You may request for exchange if:

  1. Items are in same condition, unwashed, unworn, as when it first arrived
  2. Items are in original packaging bags / box
  3. Tags on item are intact and attached
  4. Date is within 14 days upon receiving of parcel

Exchanges are subject to stock availability. We reserve the right to reject item being exchanged if the above conditions are not met.


Please ship the parcel to:

Desince Sdn Bhd

No 10 (PT 72800), Jalan SKI 1/KU7,

Kawasan Industri Hi-Tech, Sungai Kapar Indah,

42200 Klang, Selangor

Tel: +60-11 6967 6870


You will need to bear the shipping charges for returning the item to us and also the redelivery charges for new exchange item.

Redelivery charges for Fashion and Digital Accessories categories are as below:


West Malaysia: 

10 pieces item and below: RM6.50

(For quantity of more than 10 pieces item, please contact our customer service.)


East Malaysia:

1 piece item: RM13.00

2 pieces item: RM17.50

3 pieces item: RM21.50

4 pieces item: RM26.00

(For quantity of more than 4 pieces item, please contact our customer service.)


Redelivery charges for Home Improvement category differs according to size, to make inquiries, please contact our customer service.


After shipping out, please provide us with the following details:

  1. Order number
  2. Return item information
  3. Courier company
  4. Tracking number
  5. Bank transfer receipt of redelivery charges
  6. New size / color you want to change to



If desired item(s) are available, new exchange item(s) will be shipped out within 3 working days after returned items arrive at our warehouse. There might be delay if desired item(s) are unavailable.

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